Colonel Sanders teams up with Bollywood stars for KFC's zinger burgers

 The Fabulous Lives of the OG Bollywood wives, Maheep Kapoor, Neelam Kothari Soni, Bhavana Pandey and Seema Kiran Sajdeh just got a whole lot more fabulous. Recently, one of their shoots was halted by an unexpected, and grand entry. 

 In a video on Instagram, the Bollywood wives were spotted all dressed posing for a photoshoot in Mumbai, when a sleek white & red limo rolled up. Was it a fan's grand gesture for the charming Neelam? Or was it one of their besties sending an OTT surprise? Or was it a prank on Bhavana & her friends? The ladies were left guessing as the window rolled down, revealing the OG celebrity chef, Colonel Sanders, with ‘A limo for the ladies!’

 Turns out the 4 divas who are known foodies & burger lovers were surprised with the irresistible limited edition KFC Limo Zinger Box with 5 new Zinger burgers inspired by flavours from across the globe. On seeing the box, Bhavana, the ever so calm one, just couldn’t keep calm! Even Maheep, who was on a strict Himalayan diet only inhaling ‘cold air’ and exhaling ‘bad vibes’, couldn’t resist the crispy temptation. Seema, innocently let it slip about how she saw Maheep ‘secretly gobble down a Zinger, like yesterday!’ As tensions rose, Bhavana, the forever peacemaker, was out to cool things down but as fate would have it – it was her veg day. But Colonel Sanders had another surprise - the all-new Paneer Zinger!

 The video ends as fashionista Seema asks the Colonel details of his ensemble. His response? ‘It's vintage, darling’, leaving us all craving a taste of both his fashion flair and the finger-licking good Zinger burgers.

 Expressing her love for KFC & the Zinger burgers, Bhavana Pandey said "I have always been obsessed with burgers – and I’m always experimenting new flavours. The moment I laid eyes on the KFC Limo Zinger Box, I was zinged into a frenzy! This range has something for everyone – which makes it such a fabulous hit."

 Seema Sajdeh said "Joining forces with KFC for the International Zinger Fest range is like adding a dose of zest to our fabulous lives! It's a match made in Bollywood heaven, with KFC bringing the flavour while we bring the sass."

 Neelam Kothari said "When Colonel Sanders pulled up in front of us in the limo, I thought to myself, it can't get any chicer than this. But then, there’s the KFC Limo box which has this whole range of delicious burgers – I mean who can say no!”

 Maheep Kapoor said “The KFC Zinger is iconic. The idea of 5 new Zingers is fabulous. And everyone knows we love all things fabulous. It’s a collab that's been waiting to happen, and of course, in our typical style – it's absolutely fabulous.”

 Turns out, even the most fabulous people in Bollywood can't resist the new KFC Zingers. With 5 distinct, juicy & crispy Zinger burgers to choose - from American Classic Zinger, Caribbean Spicy Zinger, Mexican Pro Zinger to Indian Tandoori Zinger and the all-new Paneer Zinger - there’s something for every kind of craving in this range.

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