100 million people shopping through AR enabled processes: Snapchat Report

With the big tech companies investing more in AR tools, AR is all set to become much bigger focus to hit the consumer markets in the coming years.

As Snapchat explained on their Newsroom, 

"A time when consumers are showing they love something and yet, the marketing space around it is wide open. We saw it for e-commerce, search, and mobile. Now is the moment for Augmented Reality. Consumers are excited about it, and brands have a unique chance to boost engagement, elevate consumer experiences and increase revenues. Today, there are more than 100 million consumers shopping with AR online and in stores".

Snapchat recently teamed with Deloitte Digital and interviewed with15,000 consumers across 15 nations in order to understand the top consumer AR trends and what they mean for the future of gaming, shopping, communication, and media and entertainment. 

Here are some important insights of Snapchat's Consumer AR Report 2021,

  • Snapchat notes that AR usage, based on current adoption trends, is set to become hugely influential over the next few years.


"AR adoption is tracking with the mobile usage boom we saw in the mid 2000s: By 2025, nearly 75% of the global population and almost all smartphone users will be frequent AR users".

  • AR will eventually be the next major shift for marketing.


Snapchat shows that AR is already influencing people with their shopping trends.

  • Snapchat notes that more than 100 million people are currently shopping through the use of AR-enabled processes.

This expansion of AR tools including the visual try on options will make this platform even bigger for more business in future which becomes significant for the rise of e-commerce that has already seen boost during the pandemic.

  • Based on these trends, AR tool is now becoming an essential component for online shopping which is again pointing to broaden the utility and promtions for many brands and their products.

"Consumers continuously expect more personalized and engaging experiences that enable them to interact with the world. The companies that embrace change can become dominant industry players – those that don’t, fall behind competitors …and sink," notes Snapchat.


  • Snapchat also shared this timeline for the growth in AR adoption - going from 'Tech' to 'Toy' and eventually 'Totality', in regards to its expanded usage.


Snapchat's AR report outlines it in an easy-to-follow way, with the added insight of consumer usage and interest rates to underline each point.

  • The company also noted that Consumers are now becoming Creators with more usage of technology that enables them to create the digital content.


  • Considering the pandemic, Covid 19 accelerated the growing AR from just over $12.0 billion this year to $72.8 billion in 2024.

As the fully-functional AR tool will become available to consumers the next shift will happen faster.

Click here to view the full AR Global Report 2021.

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