5 of the best Social Media Campaigns in recent times

In this age of digital marketing, social media campaigns are very important if you want to boost your brand reputation, awareness, or sales. A social media marketing campaign is a series of coordinated activities that are aimed at achieving a specific goal or target, usually increasing brand reputation or sales over a period of time that can be tracked and measured. Social media campaigns can be limited to a single platform or they can be run across multiple social platforms. 

If you are looking for inspiration for your next social media campaign then we have made a selection of the best social media campaigns in recent times so that you can know how it is done.

1. Coors Light #CouldUseABeer

Last Year, the Coors Light marketing team came up with one of the cheekiest social media campaigns in which during the last year COVID restrictions, Coors Light took on Twitter and through their social media marketing campaign #CouldUseABeer, promised a six-pack to anyone who tweeted at the using the hashtag for a limited time period. 

This became very popular and they kept up the giveaway until they gave away as many as 500,000 beers to their customers. 

This was a very lit social media marketing campaign by CoorsLight since running a giveaway is always a good idea as it can boost brand awareness and everyone loves free stuff. Plus, if anyone has never tried your product then they can do so during the giveaway and if they like it then they will become a regular customer. This social media campaign was a very successful one and the company has been gaining wider recognition ever since. 

2. Starbucks #WhatsYourName

Starbucks combined TV advertisements with Social Media campaigns to promote themselves. Starbucks UK recently partnered up with Mermaids, an organization to support transgender and gender-diverse youth with their social media hashtag #WhatsYourName.

Starbucks combined both TV advertising and social media engagement together and used a values-driven campaign that focused on the company’s desire to be inclusive toward people of all genders. 

Starbucks is known for having customer’s names written on the side of the coffee cup and through this campaign, Starbucks wanted to clarify the point that it respects the name that customers want to be called. 

It was a heartwarming campaign that invited people from all over the world to use the #WhatsYourName Hashtag. And this was an award-winning campaign that made a real and emotional impact on society. 

3. Hello BC’s #ExploreBCLater

Next up we have the Hello BC’s #ExploreBCLater that they ran on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. During COVID times, the tourism industry was going through a rough patch and the inter-border traveling was also closed, resulting in people canceling their summer vacations plans.

Across different social media platforms, Hello BC twisted off their branded hashtag #ExploreBC and changed it to #ExploreBCLater to share a message of social responsibility in the face of COVID, encouraging everyone from different parts of the world to be a socially responsible citizen and stay home. 

This hashtag was not only used by industry partners in their posts but it also encouraged the travelers to share their images and videos from their trips across the state along with the hashtag. The advantage of this campaign was that people from different parts of the world came to know about the beautiful and scenic locations in the province and the next time they would be looking for a vacation, BC would definitely be in their minds.

4. Spotify #2019Wrapped

Spotify started sharing year-end data with its users starting from 2017, compiling the list of most-listened-to songs, albums, and artists in a Spotify Wrapped visualization. However, to make things exciting, the company went a step further and showed a summary of the past decade and it showed how the users’ listening habits and preferences evolved over the past decade. 

This summary snapshot was available for the users in the form of shareable image formats and they can easily share it on any platform, be it Omegle, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Chatroulette, or any other platform.

Soon it became a trend and more & more users started to share their personalized data on their social media handles with the hashtag #SpotifyWrapped. Users love this idea of the company collecting their personalized data over the past decade and then sharing it with them in the form of fun and insightful data visualization. 

5. Digiorno #DeliveryDigiorno

Digiorno used Twitter to promote its brand during National Pizza Month 2019. Digiorno offered free pizza to everyone who tweeted #DeliverDigiorno.

As mentioned, giveaways are always good and Digiorno took advantage of the situation, i.e National Pizza Month where customers would be tweeting about Pizza and combined organic interest and promoted tweets to create an authentic buzz. 

This giveaway although made the company give away free pizza to everyone who tweeted #DeliverDigiorno but it resulted in the company getting popular and creating brand awareness among the public.

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