7 Simple Hacks That Will Increase Your Instagram Followers

Instagram has more than a billion users and millions of unique daily visitors. That number continues to grow by the day. It’s no longer the platform for teenage selfies anymore like the old days. Thanks to big-name celebrities and brands using the platform, Instagram is now a great place to use as part of your marketing strategy. Be it for a simple blog or a global brand or even if you just want to go viral. Instagram is all about followers if we simplify it. The more followers you have, the more engagement and exposure you get. If you are struggling with that, here are some simple hacks that can help.

1. Participate In Trends

Research suggests that most users are influenced by social media trends. It makes perfect sense if we see around us. There are always some specific memes, videos, and topics that are trending and bring the most amount of attention. On Instagram, you can find similar trending memes, ideas, and hashtags that can and should be taken advantage of.  Most of the budding social media influencers follow the simple formula of following whatever’s trending and it has worked for a lot of them. 

2. Interact With Your Followers And Other Users

 The most important part of Instagram isn’t its features or tools or filters. It is the users who have made the platform what it is today. It is very important to interact with both your existing and potential followers and also to gain more reach when you buy legit instagram autolikes. Having a close-knit community can do wonders and there are plenty of ways to achieve that. Sharing user-generated content and giving shout-outs to your followers can make them feel special.

The same approach can be taken with non-followers. Commenting on public posts brings exposure and can even end up getting you noticed by the original creator.

3. Use Instagram Reels

Reels are Instagram’s answer to TikTok and they have been pretty successful with them. Instagram Reels bring the most engagement on the platform and are a great way of grabbing public attention. One major reason why that is so is the reels not being limited to your follower list. Reels provide a way bigger reach than a regular post and depending on the content quality, you can pull a lot of new followers.

4. Run Giveaways And Contests

Giveaways and contests encourage audience participation and automatically push them towards giving you a follow. When people realize they stand a chance of getting something in return, it makes it easier to make them tune in regularly. Instagram Story tools like polls and quizzes make it easy to host contests as well.

5. Instagram Insights

Instagram Insights is a tool that often gets overlooked by a regular day-to-day Instagram user. But if you are serious about making it big on Instagram, Insights should be a part of your plan. This tool is only available on Instagram Business and you will need to switch to a Business account. By using Insights, you can figure out the best upload times, target demographic, the content that performs the best on your account and so much more.

6. Buy Instagram Followers

Buying Instagram followers sounds fake at first but it is a fairly common tactic that even some major brands use. It is pretty easy to find them as well. All it takes is going through a list of the best site to buy real and active Instagram followers like SocialPros.io. Buying followers has both direct and indirect benefits. The paid followers boost your engagement and pave way for more organic followers.

 7. Decorate Your Profile And Posts

Looks sell on Instagram and we are not talking about your looks. The way you present your profile and post has a big effect on the decision of a new visitor. Using clean, attractive display pictures and a clever bio creates a good first impression. Similarly, captions and hashtags should be used wisely to create a better presentation.


Instagram is one of the biggest social media platforms and most likely it is going to keep growing in that direction. So just like Instagram, Instagram marketing will always have a future as well. You need to create and sustain a fan-following to keep up in this race. There are a lot of strategies, tricks, and hacks that can help. But in the end, you’ll have to find out what works best for you and your audience. The key is to keep trying new things and never give up. Don’t be afraid to experiment, because even if one method doesn’t work, another will soon come around to take its place.

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