Abhishek Bachchan puts on his Player's avatar on MTV Chat House

MTV India welcomes you to the world of virtual reality with their newest show ‘MTV Chat House’. The show is designed on a format that blurs the boundaries between the virtual world and the real world. The show is one of its kinds in India which is technology driven and comes alive across all multiple screens – your mobile, the laptop screen and television screen. On the second episode of MTV Chat House, Abhishek Bachchan enters the house to lead the contestants into a task.  Junior Bachchan is a man of all season, playing various avatars for his movies which will make the upcoming episode an exciting watch.  The task for this week is called The Chat House Roulette. The Roulette has all the avatars, once the roulette stops at an avatar’s name the chat master has to choose a worthy opponent to the selected avatar. The 2 avatars battle it out on a given topic for the chat master. The most entertaining duel of the 3 will win their respective chat master the Platinum room and so on.  Catch Abhishek Bachchan only on MTV Chat House, Thursday 8th December & Sunday 11th December 2011 @ 7pm 

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