Ad Land’s Young Guns: Smrithi Shetty, Biz Manager - Paid Media, Puretech Digital

With a master's degree in Social Organizational Psychology from Columbia University and a strong liking for Digital Marketing, Smrithi Shetty has worked with Puretech Digital for almost two years. She believes in constantly developing her skills, learning from her experiences and contributing beyond her role to ensure organizational success. With the recent shift from account management to business management (Branded Content), Shetty is working closely in content marketing, influencer marketing, and social media marketing where she helps create strategies to accelerate a company's brand awareness and presence.

In conversation with Adgully, Smrithi Shetty, Business Manager - Paid Media, Puretech Digital, shares about her journey with Puretech Digital, planning a long-term career in digital marketing, her success mantra, and more.

What particular skill sets do you think you bring to the table?

I like meeting deadlines and making sure I deliver what is promised to the client, well in time. I work well in teams. Communication skills, Analytical skills, problem solving and strategising ideas that help improve campaign performance are some of the additional skills that I bring to the table.

How did you join your current organisation?

A colleague of mine from my previous organisation referred me to Puretech, and after a few rounds of interviews, I was hired to work with Puretech Digital on different projects that would give me an overall exposure to all the organisations worked on.

Icons in this field whom you look up to and how they have influenced you and your work?

A number of my colleagues and people from the top management have influenced me. From picking up skills on the job and nailing it to managing work with such professionalism and passion – these people have influenced me and my work.

What are the five most productive things that you do in your everyday routine?

  • Make a to-do list of all the things I want to achieve/ complete on that particular day.
  • Try to keep up with the current news
  • Mapping the trends that are occurring not only in marketing, but other fields too.
  • Communicate with my teams on the tasks I’m working on
  • Try to get a 30-minute workout daily that helps me stay active and fresh

Do you think a career in this field is a viable one in the long term?

Yes, most definitely. Not only have companies started focusing more on their digital marketing needs, but the role of a person in this field is constantly evolving with new trends, different platforms being introduced and ways of reaching potential audiences.

What does it take to succeed in a career?

Hard work, staying up to date with what’s happening around you, learning new skills and doing more than your role/ job description that’s been defined on paper. And definitely the people you associate with will really play an important role in helping you succeed.

What would be your advice to youngsters planning to enter this industry?

  • Never stop learning
  • Venture outside your comfort zone
  • Take the feedback given to you in a positive way 

Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

As an evolved professional with a growth mindset, who will always be a learner at heart.

Is there any organisation that you would like to work with in the future?

An organisation with steady growth, dynamic energy and a hunger for constant evolution is where I would want to be. Puretech Digital happens to be one such place and it is great to be a part of this team.

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