Adgully Live | adasia 2011: Day 2, Session 5; Acts; Not Ads

This session, deconstructed how, in today's multidimensional media landscape, advertising messages are evolving into true social movements and acts that can affect and drive positive change. They examined a world of change what of the old certainties are still certain and what has changed forever.
Simon Bond, Chief Marketing Officer, BBDO/Proximity Worldwide said, “Marketing messages are now more visceral and participatory. Companies and brand's roles and meanings in people's lives are more exposed, discussed and even challenged.”
Thomas, Chairman and CEO of BBDO in Asia, Middle East and Africa & Chairman of Proximity Worldwide, said, “In this era, consumers themselves play the critical role in conveying the brand promise while energizing others to greater levels of awareness, empowerment and inspired action. Affordability and effectiveness are very essential.”
Thomas said, “We build a 200 long wall in the public. According to me people should not buy what to do but should buy why to do. we believe that fame campaigns are more effective”   
According to them acts are not ads. Acts are a social movement and also education is insurance. Acts are as a way of breaking inertia. Also they are way of creating content and lastly as way of shaping the future.

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