Alchemist + Hansa Research announce round I results of CelebScore!

While celebrities rule the life of a regular Indian, there is no trustworthy metricin the country to evaluate their relative success, impact or influence in our life. All current attempts are driven by experts rather than common man, or are not comprehensive in depth or coverage

Alchemist Talent Solutions and Hansa Research announce the Round I results of CelebScoreTM, the world’s largest, widest and deepest track on Celebrities. The research assigns aCelebScoreTM to400+ celebrities from various walks – Cinema, Television, Cricket, Other Sports and Music – based on in-depth, objective and face-to-faceinterviews of a large sample size across urban India.

“CelebScoreTM [CS] is poised to become the single, standard and only comprehensive rating of celebritypower in a consumer’s life. Since celebrities are now a medium by themselves, CelebScoreTM will be to a celebrity what TRPs are to TV and Readership numbers are to Newspapers”says Ashok Das, Managing Director at Hansa Research, the research partner amongst the two companies bringing CelebScoreTM to life

CelebScoreTMdoesn’t only cover the Popularity of stars, but also theirImage (22 attributes), Persuasion power over consumers to buy various product categories, as well as checks them on endorsement over-exposure. The research is the only one of its kind and is not a one-time effort but would be a periodic track, announcing CelebScoreTMevery 6 months.

“In a 1000 Crore+ celebrity endorsement industry, there is a clear need of accountability and measurement. Celebrity choices for endorsements and other endeavors were hitherto being done largely on gut.  Tons of money is being spent further on media with no quantitative understanding of celeb influence and that naturally has made the bigger stars get far more premium even for smaller difference in influence, for the virtual safety they provided. CelebScoreTMwill be a paradigm shift in celeb choices done by marketers and film-makers.” says Anujita Jain, COO, Alchemist Talent Solutions

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