Brands Moment on #WorldNoTobaccoDay : Lets Commit to Quit

Excessive smoking is not just injurious to your tastebuds, but also to your health! As they say that the kick is temporary but the damage is permanent and to protect yourself one should never get addicted to these things. Taking a road towards healthier lifestyle is much better than try to come back from the destination you never wanted to enter.

No Tabacco Day is celebrated to aware people about how they can be affected in future if precautions are not taken immediately on their habits. 

The theme for 2021 is Commit to Quit and we all must follow this by protecting our loved ones from dangerous signs of illness specially during the pandemic. Quitting the wrong things is never wrong.

Self care is the best care!!

Here are few brands who have tried to create awareness among us and to protect ourselves from the worse,












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