Celebrate Father’s Day with #CCPapa

Kids have the most curious minds, and with that curiosity comes an unending list of questions for their parents.

Some questions can be the most naïve, some a cute memory to reminisce while some would make fathers sweat nervously.

'What is Republic Day?’, 'What is feminism?', 'What makes you happy?', 'How are babies made? are just a few of those probing questions from their quiver.

For over a year, Comedy Central India has created one such series of funny yet relatable tales through #CCPapa, that would probably reprise cherished memories of your own or might remind you of another father-daughter duo from your neighborhood.

This Father’s Day we celebrate with another hilarious yet adorable take on a father’s fear of his daughter’s next question and their special relationship.

#FathersDayOnCC #HappyFathersDay

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