CNN-News18 curates special programming for Donald Trump's India visit

As India prepares for a grand welcome to the US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, CNN-News18 has lined-up an exclusive programming on the first official visit of the international dignitaries. Titled ‘Namaste Trump’, the reportage will aim to cover every facet of their Indian tour.

In line with their commitment to bring the most incisive reportage, the programming on CNN-News18 will comprise engaging news reports on India visit in view of the upcoming US presidential elections. Starting 22nd February, the channel will line up non-stop programming capturing major highlights of the US President Trump’s India visit. From inauguration of Sardar Patel Gujarat Stadium where the two leaders will address a gathering of over a lakh attendees to visit to Sabarmati Ashram and analysis of security in Ahmedabad, the channel will keep its viewers updated on the US President’s India visit. CNN-News18 will also air a special show on 22nd February, 8 PM focused on President Trump. The programming will aim to draw a parallel between ‘Howdy, Modi’ in Houston last year and ‘Namaste Trump’ in India this year. Maha Siddiqui, Deputy Editor, CNN-News18 will bring extensive on-ground reportage from ground zero Ahmedabad.

Tracking the bilateral discussions on key trade and political issues, the channel will also analyse the socio-political implications of the entire tour. The special line-up of programming will be driven by the channel’s formidable team of editorial experts led by veteran anchors and journalists such as Bhupendra Chaubey, Executive Editor, Zakka Jacob, Executive Editor – Output, Anand Narasimhan, Executive Editor, Marya Shakil, Political Editor, Shreya Dhoundial, Senior Editor and Maha Siddiqui, Deputy Editor, will give our viewers minute-by-minute update on Trump’s India visit.

Watch ‘Namaste Trump’ on CNN-News18 from 22nd February, 2020

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