Cricket-lovers yodelling Yahoo!

How crazy can you get for Cricket? Very. That's the answer when you throw that question at Indians. Or Pakistanis. Or Sri Lankans. Or Australians. Well, at least for most of them. Cricket is next only to perhaps The Almighty himself. And I am talking to the entire sub-continent here, and beyond. The sort of passion and emotion that people in Australia, Bangladesh, England, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka (in alphabetical order, to avoid any controversy!) have for Cricket is unparalleled.

Husbands leave their wives, wives stop their cooking, kids stop fooling around the house and dogs just sit and gaze at the television in silence. And this is what brings everyone together, so for once ' at least for once ' everyone is together, watching one Mr Tendulkar annihilate the opposition team. If Jayasurya takes to the pitch, there is a loud cheer and the girls in the crowd go into an emotional meltdown and weak at their knees when they see Afridi or Lee step in.

Yahoo! recognizes the importance Cricket has in people's lives. As a matter of fact ' there is some sort of a connection between Cricket and Yahoo. It is a weird and bizarre one that I came up with, but what the heck! When you cheer during a Cricket match, invariably, some portion of that noise sounds like a part of the word "Yahoo'. Go on, try it. You'll either shout out "yeeeaaaaaahhhhh" or "yoooooohooooo." I conducted this experiment on five of my friends, only then I am writing this. Satisfied with my conclusion now, after shouting your guts out? See, I was right.

So, it is only but natural to expect Yahoo! to come up with a promotional activity enveloped around Cricket as a theme, right? Yes, it is. The video lower down the page is something that happened during the ongoing T20 World Cup. What Yahoo! has done is nothing out of the ordinary, really. But it is such a pure human reaction and so very natural that you connect with the emotions almost instantly. Check out the video and you will understand what I am on about. It is as self explanatory as a man understanding and accepting the fate of his life thereon, just before getting married.

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