Does Charity begin with the Youth?

The thoughts that many adults (especially one’s own parents) have about the youth these days are quite preposterous. They think that the youth lack ambition, drive, respect, generosity and commonsense. (Why else would they constantly remind us about the obvious? Eg. “close the tap when you’re done washing your face, dear”) Not all adults think like that of course. However, that’s beside the point.

Point in focus: Youth’s views on charity & responsibility towards their country.

While it is very true that many colleges encourage active involvement with some kind of charitable institution by rewarding students with extra marks, certificates and letters of acknowledgement, many young people do work related to social service without being granted such perks.

While most of the youngsters today are willing to support causes they believe in on Facebook, Twitter etc by liking a page or RTing a tweet or holding virtual discussions and protests, 93% of the youth interviewed truly believed they were responsible citizens. 79% said they would be willing to participate in events that advocated a cause they believed in. In spite of living on stringent student budgets, 68% also said that they would donate money for a cause they believed in. In addition to caring for the society, 98% said they care for their environment. They also understand that a stable government is important for peaceful living. 85% say that will cast their votes in elections when the time comes. They will be willing to support causes One thing is certain though. They youth of this country are passionate and are willing to go that extra mile for it. 94% said they are proud of their country no matter what and that they do not need a reason to love it.

By MTV Insights Studio

MTV Insights Studio brings you the latest from the life of the youth. This unique understanding comes from being a part of their lives every day and not from watching them from the outside. The statistics and trends are taken from various MTV youth studies including Age of Sinnocence, Digital Socialite, Recreation Redefined and discussions on MTV iSpeak. The researches capture responses from 15-24 years across 10+ cities across India. MTV iSpeak is a network of youth in age of 18-24 years from colleges across 10 cities provides a continuous connect to the youth life. For more youth trends, please click on or write to us at

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