Enrich Salon releases super relatable poetic video on COVID

As a part of their Me to We campaign, Enrich salons has released a heart-warming video which talks about their responsibility of serving customers during the trying times of COVID-19. The Salon industry is suffering a setback owing to the lockdown, but they are gearing up to be back to serve the customers who are waiting for their favorite salon to open up.


The video explores the personal connect that a beautician makes with the customer, where they share jokes and anecdotes while taking care of their grooming needs. Enrich realizes that its their responsibility to make customers feel beautiful, happy and maintain their self confidence. Even though the customer and staff’s faces won’t be visible due to the face shield and masks, they will still maintain the personal connect through eye contact. In these trying times, Enrich promises to ensure the hygiene is maintained by providing customers with sanitizer bottles, and enforcing other safety protocols.

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