Fitness first: I've been on a diet for two weeks and all I've lost is two weeks!

Suddenly there is an overall urge to stay fit now more than ever. Bollywood heroes now sport six packs. The leading ladies of these movies are fighting for the size zero spot. New business options for entrepreneurs: getting people fit. It's a sure shot money making process as everyone is indulging into various forms of techniques to lose all those extra kilos and get a fitter body.

We were curious to know what the Indian youth thought of this trend.

They all wanted to stay fit and look good. But not necessarily, everyone had the time and drive to do something about it. Only 34% women said that they worked out regularly. This was slightly better amongst the men with 50% claiming to work out regularly. In the fast paced lifestyle that they lead, 57% said that they didn't have the time to work out.

Sports, however, seems to be a more interesting option for those who find gymming too restrictive. 70% of the men said that they regularly followed and played a sport of their choice. Women again fell far behind with only 32% claiming to follow and play a sport.

The pace of today's life definitely seems to be playing "spoilsport" with people's fitness regimes.

By MTV Insights Studio

MTV Insights Studio brings you the latest from the life of the youth. This unique understanding comes from being a part of their lives every day and not from watching them from the outside. The statistics and trends are taken from various MTV youth studies including Age of Sinnocence, Digital Socialite, Recreation Redefined and discussions on MTV iSpeak. The researches capture responses from 15-24 years across 10+ cities across India. MTV iSpeak is a network of youth in age of 18-24 years from colleges across 10 cities provides a continuous connect to the youth life. For more youth trends, please click on or write to us at

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