Goafest Day 2: “Ideas can come from anywhere, we need to make it big”

OMS Digital, a part of the Times Group presented the ASCI Creators Session, titled ‘Creator Calling Creator’, on Day 2 at Goafest 2023. The session curated by the Advertising Standards Council of India was moderated by Subhash Kamath, Former CEO, BBH & Publicis Worldwide, India | Former Chairman - ASCI. The panellists included:

Rajdeepak Das, Chief Creative Officer and CEO, Leo Burnett, SouthAsia, India & Chairman, Creative Council, Publicis Groupe - South Asia

Shreya Agarwal, Head of FilterCopy, Pocket Aces

Smruthi Rajagopalan, AGM, Maybelline, L’Oreal

Prableen Kaur Bhomrah, Beauty, Fashion, Body Positive & Lifestyle Influencer

This session narrowed down the connection between content creators, collaborators, inspiration, and the need to foster a thriving creative community.

The questions posed also garnered answers and information that tallied the sentiment of brand-agency relationships today and their applicability during campaigns. The collaborators, whether digital or mainline, all partner, bringing their expertise to the table along with recommendations for other platforms as well.

Rajdeepak Das rightly added, “Ideas can come from anywhere, the only thing that matters is how we make it big. For that to happen, all the collaborators need to have one goal – to make the idea big.”

In summary, the conversation underlined the power of creators coming together to exchange ideas, share knowledge, and elevate their craft, collectively.

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