Google Ads now uses data-driven attribution as the default for all conversion actions

Google has announced that data-driven attribution will be the default attribution model for all new conversion actions in Google Ads, replacing last-click attribution and other metrics.

“In contrast to other models, data-driven attribution provides more accurate results by analysing all relevant data about the marketing moments that led up to a conversion. Data-driven attribution in Google Ads considers a variety of signals, including ad format and the time between an ad interaction and a conversion. We also use the results of holdback experiments to improve the accuracy of our models and calibrate them to better reflect the true incremental value of your ads.

Essentially, Google is claiming that last-click attribution is inaccurate and out of date when it comes to tracking true ad response.

Last-click attribution attributes credit for a conversion to the last element the user tapped or clicked, which is typically only one part of a larger picture.

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