Google announces new range of updates for search

Google has announced a new range of updates for search, which provides different levels of functionality for brands, and are worth noting within the SEO approach.

The main focus is on helping people find the information they need, so they're not specifically aligned with brand queries. But some of them will be search considerations - here's a look at each new element and what it could mean for marketers.

Here are a few updates

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Spelling recommendation 

Spelling your query right will help provide you with more accurate search results, and Google says that it's improved its spelling predictions to help users find better matches

Pinpoint for Journalists

Quality journalism often comes from long-term investigative projects, requiring time consuming work sifting through giant collections of documents, images and audio recordings. As part of Journalist Studio, Google's new suite of tools to help reporters do their work more efficiently, securely, and creatively through technology, Google is launching Pinpoint, a new tool that brings the power of Google Search to journalists. Pinpoint helps reporters quickly sift through hundreds of thousands of documents by automatically identifying and organizing the most frequently mentioned people, organizations and locations.  

Passages of text

Google's search algorithm will now also be able to index individual passages of text within web pages, in order to locate more specific information on a site relative to a user query.

Humming or singing to search

 Google's also trying to do a bit of Shazam-type trick, with its audio algorithms now able to identify popular songs based on people humming or whistling to the search app.

Key moments 

 Google has been working on indexing certain sections of YouTube videos for some time, and it's now looking to make this a more accessible option within search queries.

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