Gurmit Singh of Quora Appointed Chapter Head – Mumbai, by The FMS Forum

Mr. A P Parigi, President ,The FMS Forum, said “It gives me immense pleasure to welcome Gurmit Singh as the Chapter Head of The FMS Forum, Mumbai. Gurmit has an outstanding track record in the media sector, having worked with global & Indian Brands like Yahoo, Forbes, India Today & Hindustan Times. He is currently the General Manager of APAC Region at Quora. We look forward to his galvanizing the participation & support of the Alumni in the Mumbai region.”

Mr. Gurmit Singh said "It's always an honor to be remembered by your alma mater and its alumni. I am excited about furthering the 3-point agenda of the FMS Forum; to further establish FMS as a thought leader, foster an active exchange between FMS Alumni and their alma mater, create a platform for intellectual exchange “

In 2015, THE FMS FORUM was formed by a group of passionate distinguished alumni in the spirit of ‘Guru Dakshina’ i.e. unconditionally giving back to the Alma Mater with gratitude and respect. The Dean of FMS is the patron of the FMS Forum. The FMS Forum, is a not for profit society. The prime objective of THE FORUM has been to create an intellectual platform through the global alumni network’s strategic leadership inputs, collective experiences, and pooled financial resources. 

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