Hindustan's Yuva enters Patna!

Hindustan, the 2nd largest daily in India launched its latest offering for Youth, Hindustan Yuva in Patna.
As an undisputed leader in Bihar, Hindustan is now presenting a differentiated offering to a new and growing segment, the youth. The youth today have their own unique needs, they have their own world, their own likes, dislikes, aspirations and views on life and hence the newspaper needs to present what they need in a manner that connects best with them.
The launch in the Patna market on 24th May has been received very well. The unique attempt was based on needs articulated by youth in an extensive research done by Hindustan. Yuva has special 2 minute news sections,  vibrant pictures and special navigation panels  in line with reading habits of the youth. It has dedicated sections like Career, Campus news, Patna news, Technology and Entertainment. There are special sections where tweets are featured along with news on Social Networking. Technology, Gadget reviews.  Automobile tips and reviews are featured in dedicated sections on specific days of the week.
Hindustan has over the last year re-launched with a new positioning and design philosophy. Yuva is a further step in that direction to create a vibrant, young and relevant news brand for the Hindi reading audiences. 
The launch in Patna is supported by print, radio spots and outdoor and is aimed at establishing strong connect with the youth.
Hindustan continues to live its brand promise of “Tarakki ko chahiye naya nazaria”. After all, kuch naya karenge tabhi toh aage badhenge. Isnt it? 

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