How advertising automation platforms are booming through the agency space

Many firms might find it difficult to develop and implement an effective marketing strategy as it is a difficult task. They choose to use marketing automation tools to boost the effectiveness of their marketing by streamlining the majority of their business procedures. However, automation has its pros and cons, too, writes Abhishek Maity, the CO-Founder and Director of Adbuffs.

Automation drawbacks

  1. Not updating contacts

Just because you were able to obtain someone's contact information does not guarantee that you will always be able to get in touch with them. Over time, contact lists deteriorate. According to some estimates, 25% of an email list deteriorates annually. List decay is a significant element that must be taken into account for marketing automation, regardless of whether someone has switched to a new email address or has merely lost interest in what you have to offer. It's not enough to set up automation to deliver offers and launches to your existing contacts and stop at that point. Automation might encourage businesses to contact customers too frequently. It may result in message fatigue.

  1. Catering to the wrong audience

Without having to endure time-consuming manual procedures, marketing automation software can assist you in quickly sending communications to a large number of recipients. Email automation saves a tonne of time. However, if you build up automation to send the same messages to everyone, you risk wildly falling short of your objectives.

  1. Efficiency and quality

One of the major drawbacks of beginning with marketing automation is that your procedures must be thoroughly established first. Automation does not imply that every task will be completed automatically. A marketing automation solution won't solve anything if your processes are fragmented and the sales and marketing teams are not working together. It might be challenging to produce automation that is both efficient and of good quality.

Why do agencies prefer groundwork research?

Compared to using survey software solutions readily available today, surveys are simple to create. However, it is not always the preferred method of collecting data, especially if the respondents are in a difficult-to-reach place. Many researchers are inclined to conduct much of their data collection online. The format of the survey is often determined by the type of study and the demographics of the respondents.

Online and mobile surveys are frequently the least expensive survey research methods. But they might not reach respondents who can only participate in other ways. The results of online and mobile surveys may degrade and diverge dramatically if significant respondents are omitted from the study. Reaching hard-to-reach respondents may be made easier by using more traditional methods, such as paper surveys or in-person interviews.

Advanced survey software platforms feature multi-mode capabilities for online, mobile, email, paper, and other survey formats, enabling researchers to survey even the most difficult-to-reach people and combining data from all survey modes.

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