How Viral Content Marketing Companies Are Helping Brands

Vinay Singhal Co-Founder & CEO, WittyFeed

With evolving times and enhanced connectivity, human dependencies on social media is increasing at a rapid pace and it is continuously tilting the balance in favour of social media as the ‘must-on’ platform for brands to share information on and to advertise on. As the reach of social media is expanding so is the canvas of advertising. The possibility of advertising on social media using viral content is limitless. The marketers and the brands now look to create relevant content which has all the makings of virality. When viral content is sought after, the companies having expertise in creating the appropriate content come to the aid of the brands and marketers. No matter how exalted a position a brand holds in the industry, if it must get itself incepted in the mind of its target audience, the brand has to make an excellent presence on social media today.

The viral content marketing companies have the expertise to create content fusing an individual brand’s ethos with the specific message the brand wishes to convey. But content creation and making it viral are not the only raison d'être of viral content companies. They provide much more deeper and wider service to brands. The viral content companies not only create a campaign they also guide it by creating twists and turns – much like a driver guiding a car with the steering wheel.  It is such service providers who throw up new trends for the audience to catch on to; the audience then follows the trend, but it is the brand that gets the credit for being the trendsetter!

In other words, a brand becomes ‘the brand’, if it sets trends to follow, amasses audience to follow the trend and at the end of a campaign a desired image gets established. The brand may be seen undertaking all these activities but in reality, it is the viral content company who expertly handles the entire campaign behind the scenes.

The content companies ensure that unique and quality content remains the key to the online marketing campaigns. Campaigns are created by the skill of writers who turn words into something meaningful which creates a lasting brand buzz. Unique, high quality and interactive content always makes a connection with the readers and audiences.

The next question which arises then, is, what makes for unique and quality content. One can call the business of creating viral content a deep study of the trends in the market and human psychology. The content companies are specialists who fuse the two to take things to another level. And because everyone needs a specialist, brands approach these organisations to get themselves highlighted differently in the world of social media.

Self-guided campaigns by brands fail to achieve the optimum impact as they lack the expert ability of ‘hack virality’ which viral content companies excel in. After all weapons and tools can be bought but not the skills to use them.  Brands should continue to do what they do best – providing their best product or service to their customers and let the viral content companies do what they do best – ensuring virality of the brand and its message for best possible results.

The major objective of the brands behind hiring a digital marketing company is to maximise the sales as much as possible and to create awareness about the brand or their product among their target audience. And the content marketing companies are getting better in content creation every day. Clients seek assistance from viral content companies to make their brands socially visible, and to help them in reaching out to a larger number of audiences. At Wittyfeed, we are a youth-driven content company, so brands come to us for promoting their product, new launch, while some come to us for a strategy that would help them in building brand’s personality in the most engaging, relatable and original way possible.


Following are some of the most contagious forms of campaign deliverance that are used by Viral Content Companies to help brands-

  1. Content Article

This is an indirect form for doing a direct job. Content articles or stories are a firm’s way of helping the brands with their campaigns. Articles are written with an aim to generate curiosity in the minds of the audience. They first help plant a seed in the mind of the reader and continue the nurturing process by delivering new articles at regular intervals. It is akin to leaving a trail of bread crumbs to lure the target but taking care not to overkill it.

  1. Posters

Posters are the most creative format to make a branded campaign a huge success. Posters (designed mostly in a humorous way) convey the intended message, information and emotions at a glance through a combination of text and pictures. Posters can be considered to be the most viral form as they are easily accessible and sharable.

  1. Videos

Videos are ‘Bombs’. Yes… you read it correct. Videos have a bomb like impact in a campaign delivery. How? The Video feature can take the audience into another world. It draws out emotions from the audience. It can deliver information without any stress to the brain and it doesn’t demand too much of concentration. With the advancement of internet technology, videos are easily accessible and sharable. Videos spread out all over like a nuclear bomb and leave lasting impressions on everyone they cover.  

Brands have campaigns. A campaign needs a story to be told. Deciphering that need and creating a story around it and making the story go viral is what the viral content companies are good at.  And that is how they help brands grow.


Infographic 1

As per a study done by LinkedIn, digital content buyers in India are projected to jump from 43.8% in 2016 to 70.7% by 2020.

Fig: Trend of digital content marketing in India in the past two years and next three years


Infographic 2

Formats of content and their usage by percentage by brands for their promotional campaigns in native ads. To propagate more information at any given single time, Digital marketing companies use various ways to widen the reach of the content. Also, video marketing is changing the shape of marketing as a current trend and users too are shifting from desktop to mobiles. It is predicted that videos will reduce the influence of blog marketing in generating traffic.


Infographic 3

The most popular type of content shared on social media by Indian audiences

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