iD Fresh unveils "Grandmother’s Approval"

 iD Fresh Food, India’s beloved fresh food brand, has unveiled their latest campaign titled "Grandmother’s Approval," a refreshing iteration of their annual TransparenSee initiative.

In celebration of World Idli Day (30th March), the company welcomed five grandmothers from diverse backgrounds to its facilities. The matriarchs were given the valuable task of evaluating iD’s production process firsthand, and granting their seal of approval to the brand.

 The grandmothers were requested to observe every aspect of iD Fresh's batter-making process, from the meticulous soaking and grinding stages to the final packaging of the batter. Recognizing the revered tradition behind creating homemade idli-dosa batter, their testimonials carried immense weight in affirming the quality and authenticity of iD Fresh products.


 P. C Musthafa, Global CEO of iD Fresh, commented, "In the age-old tradition of creating homemade idli-dosa batter, the wisdom of our grandmothers is truly unparalleled. Thus, it was only natural to invite them to our facility, to witness how the entire process was done and get a seal of approval from them. The fact that we have earned the distinguished title of 'Grandmother’s Approved Brand,' only reaffirms our commitment to authenticity, quality and taste. Their presence not only honoured the cherished tradition of homemade batter but also validated iD Fresh's commitment to delivering products that uphold the essence of homemade cooking."

 Grandmothers are revered as the ultimate authority in every household, especially when it comes to food. Traditionally, batter was meticulously crafted by grandmothers daily, with precision in selecting ingredients and perfecting the process. Thus, the decision to invite them to the iD factory was rooted in ensuring that our batter resonates with the same authenticity and quality as what they lovingly prepared for their families.

 Over the past three years, iD Fresh Food has opened its doors to the public through live tours of their facilities, aligning with the values of transparency and authenticity under the initiative "TransparenSee." Last year, iD Fresh's CEO and Co-founder,  P. C Musthafa, conducted a live session showcasing the creation of their beloved idli and dosa batter.

 iD Fresh also actively encourages regular visits from schools and colleges throughout the year to their batter factory. These educational tours provide students with an insightful glimpse into the meticulous processes involved in crafting authentic idli-dosa batter. By opening their doors to the younger generation, iD Fresh Food not only promotes transparency in their production methods but also fosters a deeper appreciation for traditional cooking techniques and the importance of quality ingredients.

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