Indian parents divided about how soon kids should resume school: Ipsos Survey

Indian parents divided about how soon kids should resume school – views hover between 1 month to a year. Japan, France, Germany, Australia and South Korea top markets where over 4 in 10 kids have resumed going to school. At least 81 per cent of the urban Indians polled want schools to restrict the numbers of days kids attend school. In fact, similar view is shared by South Korea (83%), Mexico (80%), South Africa (77%), Brazil (74%),  China (73%), the US (71%) among others. France (42%) had the lowest number of respondents favoring restricting the number of days for kids to attend school.

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The pandemic has made most parents paranoid about sending their kids to school – and views are interestingly divided between one month to a year.

There is a general feeling of postponing the decision by a month to a few months to a year.

Interestingly, some of the global markets have started sending significant numbers of children back to schools for resumption of classes – at the top is Japan (60%), France (47%), Germany (45%), South Korea (40%),  Australia (40%), among others.

"With the pandemic far from over, online classes are the best recourse for now. And parents being indecisive about how soon kids should go to school and being wary is understandable," said Amit Adarkar, CEO, Ipsos in India. 

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