INS highlights the trust in print medium through a series of campaigns

The Indian Newspaper Society (INS) has come up with a campaign to highlight the trust in print as well as the high recall provide by the print medium.

During the last Executive Committee meeting of INS, it was brought to the Society’s attention that one of its member publication has been pitching a study to promulgate ‘The Trust in Print’. “Considering this, the Executive Committee has decided to launch a campaign on behalf of the Indian Newspaper Society to spread it across the nation,” INS said in a statement issued. It was also recommended that INS Members may publish this advertisement campaign in their respective newspapers/ magazine without any cost.

The series of four print campaigns feature a body copy that states, “In addition to 70% higher recall, according to neuroscience research, it’s proven that print content is 21% easier to understand and more memorable than digital media. That is why, print content connects with our brain more efficiently and effectively. So, choose to read newspapers.” The ad cites finding of a study by TrueImpact, a Canadian neuromarketing firm.

Interestingly, the print campaign features RK Laxman’s iconic hand-drawn ‘Common Man’ character. The headlines talk about print’s trustworthy recall factor and the strong impression created by print content.

INS has asked its members to release the advertisements in their respective publications and added that “Those members who wish to add their publication’s logo may use the open file and may do so on the top left side.”

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