Instagram shares tips for DM Controls and Product Tags

Instagram has shared an overview for the users on making the best use of their DM control tools available to them.

The Company Chief Adam Mosseri has provided some pointers on how to use the various DM tools available, which users are not really aware about.


In the video above,  Adam highlighted some important key features,

1. Message requests - Musician T-Pain recently shared a tweet in which he was unaware about the DM requests that he recieved, which prompted Mosseri to highlight how this element works


2. Mark as Unread - He noted that if you long-press on a message, you can mark it as 'unread'.

3. Vanish Mode - Vanish Mode is a very recent feature of Instagram which, when activated, will make seen messages disappear when you close the chat.

Instagram also shared a few tips of how to tag products in your Instagram posts, including Stories, Reels and IGTV.


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