Mallika Dua on tackling the social media trolls

Maybelline New York recently brought to life its ‘Brave Together’ campaign in partnership with NGO Sangath to mark the occasion of World Mental Health Day 2022. As an ode to young people’s experiences in dealing with anxiety and depression, the event brought together experts, lived experience advocates, academicians, and organisations who are working towards improving mental health to encourage youth to talk about mental health and seek help.

As part of Maybelline New York’s recently launched ‘Brave Together’ campaign, the event hosted a panel discussion on ‘Bridging Gaps In Mental Health By Making Support Accessible’ with international Badminton champion, Olympian, and campaign ambassador PV Sindhu; author and founder of ‘Here comes the sun’ Shaheen Bhatt; actor & comedian Mallika Dua; and author Arjun Gupta. The discussion was moderated by Dr Anant Bhan, Mentor, Principal Investigator, and Project Lead at NGO Sangath.

In addition to the engaging panel discussion, the event also hosted a few workshops focused on arts, dance, and listening circles, given the important role these play in addressing mental health.

In conversation with Adgully, Mallika Dua speaks about Maybelline’s ‘Brave Together’ campaign, her take on social media trolls, message about mental health, and more.

How do you keep yourself mentally authentic and what kind of exercises do you follow in your day to day life?

I try to do little things because I find it overwhelming otherwise. We have to maintain work-life balance as well. I have been seeking help and medication from many years of depression. One thing I have understood is you have to take care of yourself. The external environment will not change. You can’t control what will happen to you, but you can prepare yourself for it. So, I go for therapy, exercise regularly, eat better and i say to myself nothing is there in results. I try to be patient with myself and the things that I do.

What message would you like to give others on this occasion of Mental Health Day?

“Don’t stop talking, Don’t stop hustling”. Talk about yourself, tell others how you’re feeling. There would be many awkward situations, but they will understand after that they will start talking about your situation. Your truth holds a lot of power and courage.

Nowadays social media plays a huge role in our daily lives. One ugly aspect of social media is the trolls who take a toll on one’s mental health. What is your take on that?

Social media is a buffet, if someone serves you poison, you will not consume it. And if by mistake you happen to consume it, it will affect your mental health. But you learn from that and you will not do it again. We have strong policies against trollers. So, please don’t neglect it.

What encouraged you to collaborate with Maybelline’s campaign?

I always believe that looking great is not enough. How you are feeling is as important and Maybelline as a brand takes up this initiative, which is commendable. Mental health is at the centre of the whole life, but that doesn’t mean that you are defining some mental illness. You have the right to be seen, heard and live your life with dignity and find acceptance after everything that you have gone through, and I am glad that a mainstream beauty brand is highlighting this.

These are edited excerpts. For the complete interaction watch below:


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