Marico head Harsh Mariwala sets success trajectory for Power Gummies

 There are entrepreneurs, then there are industry transforming entrepreneurs, alike innovative and business leading Harsh Mariwala, Chairman & Founder of Marico Ltd, visited the Power Gummies headquarter in Gurugram on 28th November 2022, Monday. Mariwala is renowned for transforming his family's trading business in spices and edible oils into consumer goods giant Marico with sustainability and profitability over the three decades, serving as a leading consumer products and services company in the beauty and wellness sector.

The Power Gummies’ team seemed to be thrilled having such a legend visit their premises talking about his business learnings, guiding through his experience and sharing insights from the business world to show the direction for Power Gummies on how to become a trending household name as an OTC product when it comes to good health, effective and tasty nutraceutical.

Divij Bajaj, CEO & Founder, Power Gummies exploded with high energy about Harsh Mariwala’s visit saying, “ His visit brings in the ample motivation that we are going the right way. There is a lot to learn from Mariwala Sir through his journey of decades. It is remarkable and inspiring for me as an entrepreneur as the aim is to make good health accessible to all in pursuit of easy nutrition. After all, it is all about deriving value as Mariwala sir says, who really took out the business from Bombay Oil Industries, and founded Marico.”

Excited to have witnessed how we all have grown through the era of Parachute that still sails high in consumer markets. The young minds at Power Gummies feel ecstatic to see how Mariwala suggests Passion is the key to success yet with adequate determination and perseverance in place. Harsh Mariwala really took the initiative to visit Power Gummies’ office, meet the management and key team members in the virtue of his passion to appreciate how the Power Gummies identified the right market opportunity of consumer’s unmet needs and built their own market with product innovation simplifying holistic nutrition. His trust and motivation in the brand has put in heaps of positivity and ambitions for the brand.

Truly, Mariwala is a believer of how entrepreneurs are going to change India, the mere interaction with a focus for growth is pivotal for the brand that made a fundamental shift in the nutraceutical industry of India introducing the format of vitamin gummies. Building this PG family hasn’t been easy as the brand started from scratch to educate the customers about the importance of good nutrition that fits into their lifestyle seamlessly. Power Gummies has created a prodigy over the four years of stellarly storming the healthcare market in India with 7 variants running currently, touching over 5,00,000+ lives, and selling over 40,00,000+ gummies. The brand visions to spread happiness with the tasty gummies adding a moment of joy everyday with just 2 gummies a day. 

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