mid-day launches its evening edition

mid-day takes its brand campaign “WEunCOVER Mumbai” to the next level by offering relevant and exclusive content to the reader now twice a day. In addition to the morning paper the brand launches its evening variant. The content of the evening edition promises to be fresh and updated with news and gossip on all that transpires from mid-night to the next day noon.

Sharing his enthusiasm, Sandeep Khosla, CEO, mid-day infomedia ltd. says, “If Mumbai is a city that never sleeps, we are the paper that believes in keeping pace with it. Our reporters would be scanning the city through the night to bring to the reader exclusive stories. Besides this, the evening edition would also catch international news, Mumbai’s nightlife and updates on large sporting events, happenings which other papers would only relate the next day. We proudly bring to our readers “Tomorrows news Today”

The mid-day evening edition would be available from 4pm onwards, Monday to Friday. The design, look and feel has been given a facelift, making it more sleek and trendy, with a red top mast-head which would give the paper its own identity distinguishing it from its morning counterpart. The popular sections of Hitlist, The Guide, Sports and Timepass have been enhanced and especially customized to catch to the evening reader’s interest. The evening variant upholds the mid-day tradition of being that paper which keeps the Mumbaikar engaged through the day with gripping reads.

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