Monster offers Career Innings in line with the Women’s World Cup

The Women’s World Cup has been an embodiment of empowerment for women everywhere, encouraging them to achieve their goals and career aspirations without limits. It has become clearer now than ever before that there is truly no job or industry that women cannot grasp to build their dreams.

Skilling and training to create an efficient pool of female talent is a pressing need in the Indian economy today., the world’s first online recruiting platform India’s leading digital career solutions providers, in support of the Women’s World Cup is offering discounted Career Services to bolster the growth of women workforce in India.

The importance of women’s representation in the workforce is at an all-time high, with industries such as BPO and IT exhibiting maximum demand for women talent. Monster has further noted improved recruiter efforts to hire more women job seekers in line with D&I objectives for a more equitable and productive workforce.

As per data from, there are 85,00,000 active women job seekers and around 7,800 women-specific jobs on the portal. For every run that the Indian Women’s team scores, a female candidate from India would be offered a 30% discount on Monster’s Career services, encouraging female job seekers to achieve their career goals through upskilling and efficient candidate positioning.

Further to the success of T.R.I.U.M.P.H, India’s largest diversity and inclusion campaign, and recruitment drive, Monster is continuously aiming to bolster Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) recruitment, in line with the company’s commitment to building a more diverse and inclusive environment for all. 

Sekhar Garisa, CEO, (a Quess company) said, “It is encouraging to see India move towards a more equitable workspace with increased D&I efforts by companies across the board. Events such as the Women’s World Cup offer a chance to celebrate the roaring talent that women possess in every field. We look forward to helping candidates across industries and functions to maximize the talent that lies within them and bring about efficiency in career planning and goal setting. It is about time that we have women leading the game!”

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