Motorola's Droid aims at Apple

Oh I just had to share this video with you folks (scroll to the end of the post). I was surfing the net after reading a release which said that Motorola is aiming at Apple with its Droid when I stumbled upon this video. Quite an aggressive charmer, isn't it?

Well, incidentally, Motorola had joined hands with Apple while developing its Rokr. But that was about two years ago and things have changed massively with Apple's iPhone coming in and taking the world by storm. However, pundits have, time and over again, accepted that iPhone still has some drawbacks. And it is this set of drawbacks that Motorola is targeting in this new commercial.

Motorola pours scorn on iPhone's functionality limitations.

Droid is expected to go on sale on November 6 through Verizon. The phone uses Google-developed Android platform as the controlling software. It is reported that Motorola spent close to $2 million on advertising in 2008 (Neilsen data).

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