MTV analyzes the Youth's perspective on the science of Satyagraha

The activism culture in our current society has not only become sensational but also become an interesting topic of debate. Sometimes we wonder if Gandhiji would've been mightily surprised at the way Satyagraha has rebound back in vogue. Armed with fast unto death, activists have one big item to be crossed off from their checklists ' corruption. Sounds mighty simple eh? Are you curious about how the youngsters today perceive these movements that are creating ripples in the country? MTV probed this more with some young Indians.

Yes, everyone agrees that these movements have given the citizens of this country the much needed jolt from their apathy. But, they are not really convinced about the real motives and most importantly the outcome of these exercises. This wave of solidarity is definitely a positive thing. Even amongst the youngsters supporting these movements, there is too much confusion. Many don't see a firm sense of conviction that things will change and change for the better. Only 56% of the 450 youth interviewed strongly agreed that they had a keen interest in the social issues that affect the population of this country. And a mere 39% claimed to have a strong interest in tracking or following politics and related issues.

The youth today are definitely not disgruntled with the country. They know that is country is capable of great things as it has proved time and again. Nearly 63% of them proclaim that they love this country and they don't need to find reasons to love it in spite of there being many.

When MTV asked them about what they think will make a true and lasting change in the way this country functions, they almost unanimously agreed that the solution lies in making changes to actions and attitude of people at the grass root level. Each and every one of us has a moral and personal responsibility to ensure that this country doesn't get crippled by the evils of the corrupt system. The first step to this is paying taxes on time and without any discrepancy. To enable such a powerful change in the system and people of this country, they also want the leadership to be dynamic and not afraid to take stringent measures against the social and political problems that we are facing. Power should have accountability, they say.

By MTV Insights Studio:

MTV Insights Studio brings you the latest from the life of the youth. This unique understanding comes from being a part of their lives every day and not from watching them from the outside. The statistics and trends are taken from various MTV youth studies including Age of Sinnocence, Digital Socialite, Recreation Redefined and discussions on MTV iSpeak. The researches capture responses from 15-24 years across 10+ cities across India. MTV iSpeak is a network of youth in age of 18-24 years from colleges across 10 cities provides a continuous connect to the youth life. For more youth trends, please click on or write to

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