MTV touches new musical heights, this World Music Day!

One does not need to be a musician, composer, singer or a writer to understand music. Music plays an integral part in everyone’s life. Be it a long drive, hitting a gym, making up or breaking up with your friend/ partner, celebrations or bewailing, music by default plays a role. For some, music is an escape route and for some a comfort zone. We plug in our favorite jam to ignore some and we share music with people to start conversations. Like humans, music has multiple shades and emotions.

On World Music Day, MTV chooses the ‘Happy’ mood to celebrate the essence of music. The channel has created a light-hearted film showcasing an unusual bond between the music teacher and the student. The video features the dynamics between the two characters and how the student's musical talent takes his guru on different levels of high (literally!) when he is singing and just as he takes a break to sip water…. let that be a mystery and click on the link?


Wishing everyone, a very HAPPY WORLD MUSIC DAY from MTV!

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