NBF Members Abide by the New IT Rules 2021

News Broadcasters Federation, the largest industry organisation of news broadcasters takes pride to announce that all of its current and prospective members have fully complied with the requirements of Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 ("IT Rules, 2021") by providing information of their entities.

Ministry of Information and Technology and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting had sought information on May 26, 2021, of Digital Platforms of Traditional News Media Companies to comply with IT Rules, by giving 15days for the compliance.

NBF Members news broadcasters with national and regional presence, had provided information sought under IT Rules 2021 much before the deadline. This makes NBF the first industry organisation with strong and robust self-regulatory mechanism to comply with the code.
NBF understand the responsibility of accountable journalism of its member broadcasting companies and their digital outlets, who are present in almost every single language and state across the length and breadth of India.

NBF Self-regulatory authority is established as a unique content regulatory mechanism irrespective of the platform delivering the information to the larger citizens of the country

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