New York Festivals introduces "Advertising Agency of the Year - by Country"

New York Festivals International Advertising Awards, after much deliberation, and following the 2011 Executive Jury's lead in raising the bar for earning NYF Awards, announced the launch of a new industry award in the NYF advertising competition. In addition to Nike earning Advertiser of the Year award BBDO earning Ad Agency Network of the Year, and Leo Burnett Sydney earning Advertising Agency of the Year, a new award has been created for "Advertising Agency of the Year - by Country."

The "Ad Agency of the Year by Country Award" was initiated to allow for large and small agencies with one or more offices in the same country to compete for the most awarded agency in their country. To qualify, the agency must exceed a high bar set for acceptance and must have earned at least two Golds, two Silvers and two Bronze trophies.

This year, five advertising agencies earned the title of Ad Agency of the Year in their country of origin.

1. BBDO earns Ad Agency of the Year - USA

3. Jung von Matt earns Ad Agency of the Year - Germany

5. TBWA earns Ad Agency of the Year - France

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