Offbeat: Harish Kurudi’s idea of relaxing is Djembe jamming

Adgully’s special feature section – ‘Offbeat’ – seeks to give a peek into the lesser known facets of our very well-known industry leaders. We present, in the industry leaders’ own words, an interesting read on areas that are not usually highlighted in regular media coverage – be it about their childhood days, secret skills that they possess, how they unwind from their hectic schedules, and much more. 

Harish Kurudi, Head - Product Development & Management, Aegon Life, has 15+ years of association with the Indian life insurance domain with special focus on product management, digitisation, and execution of core projects, providing core solutions and enhancement of distribution performance. His current role includes product strategy, driving product mix, developing new products and evangelising solutions for Aegon Life Insurance, which is building the first digital life insurance company in the country. Kurudi’s role involves leveraging digital platforms so that there is a planned shift of consumers to automated, hyper-customised tailor products to individual customer profiles.

A precious childhood trait that you still possess?
Being compassionate. In days of hyper-sensationalisation of everything, the world is getting numbed and becoming indifferent to each other. I sure hope to help my sons to rise above and keep up the compassionate streak. 

Ever wished you had super hero powers?
Ha ha… I love the time travel power. Whenever people go back in time, they seem to be making things worse for themselves. I would like to go in the future and get the winning lottery numbers! 

What is your biggest fear and how do you face it?
I must confess for a very long time in my life I was trying to be perfectionist. In pursuit of perfection, I realised that there is nothing like perfection. During my recent years, I have learnt that it is more important to be relevant than perfect. 

A secret that you have which no one knows about?
I get all my camera lenses out and go solo taking pictures of beaches every year in December. This is one tradition I have been following for the last few years now. 

What would one find in your playlist?
Timeless classics from John Denver, Michael Jackson and Raghu Dixit. 

Your go-to activity to relax?
Djembe jamming it is. 

What is the greatest lesson that you have learnt from life so far?
Being humble is very important. This is one quality that I feel that each individual, at whatever stage in life, should possess. 

A social cause that you are most passionate about?
Say no to single use plastic. 

What’s the one thing you would like to change about yourself?
The way I sing - I love listening to music and wish that someday I could be a better singer. 

If not in your current designation, what would you have been?
Photographer with Vogue magazine. 

What are the three apps on your mobile that you couldn’t live without?
Ola/Uber, Google News, Twitter. 

Any content/ film or book you saw or read recently and why?
Recently I had some pain in my foot. I was surfing for some home remedies and stumbled upon this book, ‘Born to Run’. This book is full of incredible and amazing athletic achievements and in the process tells you that everything you knew about running was wrong. I would recommend everyone to read this.  

Which two organisations outside your own do you know the most people at and where?
I did my schooling in Christ School, Bangalore and am still connected with this group even after 27+ years. This is one close knit family beyond family. 

Two things about this industry that you don’t like or don’t understand?
We are in the business of money and people; both needs time and patience to grow. If you are in a hurry, this is not the place for you. 

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
When the entire world is looking towards India, why look elsewhere?

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