Quora users are 147% more likely to be shopaholics

Quora users are 147% more likely to be shopaholics. Every year, more and more people visit Quora to conduct festive research with users starting early. Topics related to fashion, online shopping, electronic gadgets, laptops, smartphones and  early offers receive a spike in views beginning early October.

Top festive shopping questions

Brands like Amazon and Flipkart leverage this highly engaged shopping community to generate demand and post-real-time deals.

Flipkart’s Big Billion Days and Amazon India’s Great Indian Festival are some of the most popular online sales. Over time, both e-commerce platforms have upped their ante and strategies for marketing these sales on social media.

Brands have been using Quora’s key product features as an essential element in their overall marketing strategy. These include Quora’s promoted answers, Text & Image ads that drive users to their landing pages where one can purchase or know about a new product launch. 

In particular, users are visiting Quora to discuss festive apparel, footwear, and fashion brands. With the festive season coming up, the most viewed answer is Fashion & Style.

  • Fashion and Style - 64M Answer Views
  • Women's Fashion and Style - 34M Answer Views

To promote their fashion sale, Amazon, Flipkart, and TataCliq published text ads in trending questions like What are the best sites for online clothes shopping in India? And Which is the best online shopping site for women western clothing? 

As festival season shopping peaks, users in India start conducting research on smartphone and laptop recommendations. 42% of Quora users buy Electronic Gadgets during the festive season and 29% of Quora’s visitors are the first among their friends to buy new tech gadgets. 

Smartphone-related answer views (39million) too surge on Quora and brands like Samsung, RealMe, Oppo, and Redmi leverage these conversations extensively to promote their new phone launches and offers.

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