Say, Claim, Roar #IAmAWOWWoman by WOW Skin Science

Womanhood is a beautiful milestone, a trail bending through life’s curves and ends. She walks on it, she dances through the thorns and ferns with utmost grace, innocence and confidence. Yes, she is a woman who takes pride in honing the caps of various responsibilities beautifully and exquisitely.

She is a superwoman with power vested in her to climb the ladder of success. A power in believing herself that she can and she will. She wears confidence like a crown. She is a new woman. Not letting her failures get in the way of her accomplishments is how she deals with life. With a modern approach and a traditional twist, she chases her dreams, channels her inner fears and inhibitions and does not let stagnancy sabotage her momentum. She proudly claims #IAMAWOWWoman

Commemorating her efforts for being an achiever at every stage, WOW Skin Science celebrates Women and acknowledges the relentless efforts and the many roles that she plays from being a pillar of strength, the unstoppable force, the go to companion and all the qualities that make them say #IAmAWOWWoman.

The focal aspect of the campaign is communicating the qualities that they sharpen to fit in various roles and responsibilities towards their life. This campaign will engage with women and influencers through deep content integration that will be amplified across social media platforms to reach 1 million audience.

Talking about the campaign, Madhur Acharya, Head of Marketing, WOW Skin Science, says “Celebrating women’s day is a festival, a reformation in itself. It's not just a day where we appreciate their presence but a measure cultivated everyday. We have always stereotyped women on the basis of their qualities. Here is a time when we come out of these typecast behaviours and acknowledge their qualities. WOW Skin Science has always been at the forefront of establishing conversations that make a difference in everyone’s lives. We collaborated with HerHQ to connect effortlessly with this campaign which transcends beyond social media activation.

Talking about the campaign and the collaboration with WOW Skin Science, Meera Chopra, Founder, HQ Media, says “ The International Women's Day has evolved to be a celebration of women's achievements,aspirations and ambitions. However, with the #IAmAWOWWoman campaign, we aim to delve deeper and celebrate her innate self. A woman is beyond her achievements and is defined by her attributes that spell the “Wow" factor in her. With this campaign in partnership with WOW Skin Science, MomJunction and StyleCraze, we envision to enable brands to forge a deeper association with women, see them in a more inclusive light and take the relationship with them to a different level.

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