Say Youngistaan ka wow with Yahoo!

Yahoo!, which is known for its audience interaction, has now joined hands with Pepsi to communicate with their target audiences.

Yahoo's new brand campaign is aimed to communicate how all Yahoo! experience is becoming more personally relevant and open.

Yahoo! gets the conversation going between Youth and Pepsi. Pepsi launched the Pepsi 'What's Your Way?' campaign where Youngistaan gave cool solutions to tricky day to day situations which often land them in a fix.

Advertisers love Yahoo! because it connects their brands to the vast set of deeply engaged audience, given Yahoo!'s vast reach.

The Youngistaanis competed for the cool quotient online, by testing their cheek and wit to solve tricky situations presented to them.

It gave the four coolest Youngistaanis, a chance to appear on the Pepsi "My Can'. And every day one youngster got the chance to become the "Youngistaani of the Day' entitling him/her to a month's supply of free Pepsi and Rs. 5,000 as SMS talk time.

Yahoo! created a destination for Youngistaanis, where it hosted the same questions and users could come and give their wackiest answers. Not only did the site host the Celeb situations but it also allowed the users to come and enter their own situations and let Youngistaanis answer them.

So what are you waiting for?

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