Scrabble to convert 500 screens into 3D at Rs 200 crore, in 3 yrs!

Scrabble Entertainment is planning to convert 500 more screens into 3D format, all over country at an investment of Rs 200 crore, in the span of 3 years.

As per media reports, Ranjit Thakur, CEO, Scrabble Entertainment on the plan said, "Our mission is to convert about 500 screens of multiplexes into 3D technology over the next three years at an investment of Rs 200 crore. We want to provide the experience of 3D cinema to every nook and corner of the country."

Scrabble Entertainment - it was formed in November 2007. It is India's first and only 2 K DCI Compliant Cinema deployment entity, which aims to convert every multiplex in the country to the 2 K Digital Cinema Platforms. Also, India's only media company to be certified by US-based Digital Cinema Initiative (DCI).

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