Shapoorji Pallonji Group reaches audience through security & community management app

Mumbai has seen a rise in projects with multiple high-rise towers. The society management is initially taken care by the developers before the society formation. After the society formation, the responsibility is often handed over to the residents. Managing these complex societies can be a huge task for the managing committee. Hence, society management apps like Apna Complex, My Gate can help the committee by reducing their workload & improves efficiency.

MyGate is one such mobile-based security and community management solution for gated communities. Revolutionising the safety and security of gated communities, MyGate delivers a great all-round customer experience, with superlative support and the regular addition of smart features. MyGate allows members to execute a number of tasks with just a click on their phone. Personalised features like a help desk wherein members can raise a complain about issues they face along with a communication forum like Notice Board allows the advertiser to execute a society level hyper-targeting wherein you can advertise your product/service directly to the app users who are prime candidates for what we are selling.

The recent trends in Digital marketing have highlighted the emergence of several threats like Third-party cookies phasing out, iOS Device Privacy regulations, Fraudulent clicks, and junk cases. My Gate campaigns are completely immune to these threats as they allow the advertiser to reach out to the doorsteps of the most authentic audience in the literal sense.

Located in Kandivali, Sarova by Shapoorji Pallonji is the one of the biggest townships in Mumbai. With a lot of learning available in terms of its past site visits and bookings till date, we had a greater understanding of the societies from where we had got the maximum traction. This insight and intelligence led us to find an opportunity to reach these usersthrough hyper targeting” says Mr. Rajeeb Dash, VP – Sales & Marketing at Shapoorji Pallonji.

Being a closed group platform, there was no possibility of fraudulent & bot clicks and junk leads. As it targets the app users, there was no concern of 3rd party cookies and device/browser restrictions.

We at ANAROCK Digital analysed this and took the opportunity of using the Notification inventory and the Notice board which ensured we are reaching to the right audience creating enough visibility and impact. Shapoorji Pallonji decided to further give a discount of 2.60 Lacs* exclusively for MyGate users. This special offer for My Gate users also generated exclusivity in the minds of the users. The utility & the authenticity of the app combined with the exclusive discount resulted in we achieving staggering numbers.

Conceptualized by Nitiket Vejre – Senior Account Manager. Executed by Harshaan Juneja, Onkar Gaonkar and Sachin Phadtare. Media execution by Rishikesh Panchal. Led by Ashish Gupta – Sr. Vice President of Anarock Digital.

Sanat Johare and Shrikant Polkam – Brand Managers and Rajeeb Dash, VP- Sales & Marketing, SD Corp.

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