Simple switch to a better hair color adds real color to her love life; Shows Wella's TVC

"Notice anything new?" These three words are synonymous to women. Whether expressed aloud or silently, women across India, may the world yearn to be the focus of attention. This is just being a woman!

There's a reason behind every human act. A woman wants to get noticed by her man. And this holds true, even after years of being married. But as the clock ticks away and domesticity settles in, the power to captivate and sustain her man's attention gradually lessens. Fad diets, gym work-outs and regular visits to the beauty salon to enhance looks have assumed great importance in the lives of women. And her mood is dampened when her man's attention is shifted from her new appearance to the big bucks spent.

This reality holds true for every couple, including the most spoken about, sizzling Bollwyood jodi of John and Bipasha. Despite having the best chemistry with John for years, Bipasha still longs for appreciation and this she proclaims in the now on air TVC made by Leo Burnett for Proctor & Gamble's Hair Color Brand ' Wella Kolestint.

This new Wella film leverages the fact that today, women's hair color needs have evolved from the conventional grey coverage to looking "noticeably' different. It shows the very real story of a woman not being noticed by her man and how a simple switch to a better hair color adds real "color' to their love life.

Leo Burnett used the HumanKindTM approach, built in a human purpose for Wella Kolestint. "Our all out endeavor was to find a human purpose for Wella Kolestint. Post a lot of deliberations, we zeroed in on one single fact that women want the power to get noticed and appreciated over the years. A single compliment, years into a relationship, makes them smile for days", said Gaurav Lalwani, Regional Account Director, Leo Burnett, Mumbai.

Nitesh Tiwari, Executive Creative Director, Leo Burnett, Mumbai agreed and said "Women have this urge to be noticed whenever they change their look but unless the change is really drastic like gaining 50 pounds or shaving off an eyebrow, men continue to live in a world of sweet oblivion. Every time my wife asks me, "Notice anything new about me?" I always felt like a deer caught in the headlights! This real life incident was an apt trigger for me to create the Wella Kolestint film."

"This idea takes the core of the Wella Kolestint brand; making an impact on others through your rich hair color, and cleverly links it to a highly relevant insight about women not getting noticed by the person that matters to them most. It's the combination of these two elements that makes the idea so powerful", commented Surpiya Singh, Associate Marketing Director, Hair Color for the Asian market, Procter & Gamble.

"John and Bipasha's electric chemistry every time lights up the screen. There interaction is natural and effortless. They are both wonderful human beings, and thorough professionals, so it was simply amazing to shoot the campaign with them", said Sunhil Sippy, Director of the Film.

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