Sony BBC Earth’s eye opening docu-film, ‘Climate Change - The Facts’

The global temperature is predicted to increase by 1.5 degrees by 2040 – beyond which, climate change would cause irreversible damage. That’s how close our world is from a climate catastrophe. The clock is ticking seemingly faster than ever before but, is hope still alive? Underlining this campaign thought, Sony BBC Earth introduced a landmark film, ‘Climate Change – The Facts’. Narrated by Sir David Attenborough, the docu-film premiered on 7th March at 9PM which unveiled the whole truth behind the biggest danger facing mankind - from the impact of our actions to the solution.

‘Climate Change – The Facts’ delivered an unflinching exploration of what dangerous levels of climate change could mean for all life on Earth and touches upon different aspects of it - from deforestation and melting icebergs to drought and the effects on humans and wildlife. It also looked at potential solutions and explores the innovations, technology and actions the world's governments, industries and individuals are taking to prevent further warming. While Climate Change - the greatest challenge facing mankind - is here and glaring at us like never-before, not all life is lost and hope is still alive.

To promote this need of the hour film, Sony BBC Earth deployed an extensive and a stimulating 360° campaign which compelled people to stop, think and act, for positive change. The campaign was on-air, in-cinema, in print, on-ground, out of home (OOH) and on digital mediums. To begin with, Sony BBC Earth partnered with PVR to run a week-long promotional campaign across Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Chennai, giving viewers a peek into the landmark film before its Television Premiere in India. This was coupled with a theatrical screening where Sony BBC Earth assembled an ensemble of influencers and celebrities who came in support of the film and were faced with the pertinent question - ‘Is hope still alive’.

Additionally, high traffic locations in Mumbai and Delhi were selected to compel the onlookers to realize the impact of human actions on Climate Change via eye-catching and innovative OOH campaign. To add to this, employees of 14 trade offices such as Group M, Lodestar, ZO, Starcom and OMD across Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore were made faced with the hard reality of Climate Change via innovative branding. Even on social media, Sony BBC Earth’s clutter-breaking campaign intended to stir conversations and inspire positive action.

~To know whether hope is still alive, tune to ‘Climate Change – The Facts’ on 14th March at PM only on Sony BBC Earth~

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