Sony Le PLEX HD showcases the finest real-life stories on reel this December

One was an absolute entertainer, one a Princess of Wales and one a sports legend. Watch the incredible journey of Robin Williams, Princess Diana and Usain Bolt from their childhood to their golden days this December on Sony Le PLEX HD every Sunday 1 pm and 9 pm.

Starting with the premiere of Robin Williams: Behind Closed Doors on December 3, the two-hour documentary will give viewers an intimate look at his life: from his early days at small comedy clubs in Los Angeles to his breakthrough role on the TV show Happy Days leading to his big screen triumphs. Robin entertained and touched many lives through his acts with 7 Golden Globe, 3 Grammy, 2 Emmy and one Academy Award to his credit.

The following Sunday on December 10 is the premiere of Princess Diana: Behind Closed Doors – a compelling story that narrates what we don’t know about Lady Diana. Other aspects of her life will also be revealed like what went on behind the gates at Kensington Palace, what led to her bombshell revelations in books and interviews about her husband, their marriage and the inner workings of the British monarchy.

Last up is I am Bolt, which will premiere on December 17. Based on the life of the Jamaican sprinter, Usain Bolt- a three times Olympic gold medalist and World Record holder for 100m, 200m and 400m - he is the star of his own documentary along with being the fastest man to walk Earth!

Get entertained, inspired and enlightened with 3 real-life story premieres on Sony Le PLEX HD.

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