TAM set across all fronts to partner Industry's big leap!

In wake of the impending phase wise DAS implementation across India, the custodians of TAM Media Research – Advertisers (ISA), Media Agencies (AAAI) and TV Broadcasters (IBF) – arrived at a joint consensus on the need to temporarily defer TAM TV Viewing data release for ALL INDIA market for a period of 9 Weeks starting Week 41 (October 7, 2012,  Sunday)  and ending Week 49 (December 8, 2012). This deferred data will be released on December 19, 2012  (Tuesday) along with data for Week 50 (December 9-15, 2012). 

This decision is aimed aiding Digitization and maintain the benefits of all the stakeholders during the DAS implementation scenario. TAM, on its part, is all set to aid the industry take the next BIG
LEAP to the Digital World and implement this joint industry decision. Going forward, TAM will continue to keep a close watch of the on-ground dynamics and will be flexible enough to keep adjusting its course, whenever needed. Parallely, to help industry settle down and understand the on-going nuances of this consumer shift, TAM has proactively issued an Industry Guide for reference. On this Joint Industry request, LV Krishnan, CEO, TAM Media Research, said, “We are research specialists who generate and provide data backed by years of global know-how, local audience understanding and evolving scientific methodologies.

This specific request of data deferment by the industry to TAM is purely to aid Digitization and we, as the central & neutral media research service provider, are ready to partner in this exercise for the benefit of the industry.”

“Infact, TAM has been long ready to measure Indian Television Homes’ transition to the Digital World since way back in 2007. We implemented the state of the art, platform neutral, TVM5 Peoplemeter system then and started reporting data in July 2008. Ever since the honourable Government announced the Digitization initiative, TAM has been focussing on the key steps required to manage the panel transition from analogue to digital efficiently. TAM has proactively prepared an Industry Guide that will be released soon.”, added Krishnan. 

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