"The Budget is positive, growth-oriented and with reforms in the right direction"

Anupriya Acharya, South Asia CEO, Publicis Groupe, believes that the advent of 5G is sure to transform communications – for the advertising industry it will help creation of better AV, voice and AR/VR experiences. According to her, “It will also fuel digital payments, streaming entertainment, gaming, e-commerce, tele-medicine, etc., which in turn will aid more Unicorns!”

Acharya further said that it was also heartening to note that a special Task Force is being set up for AVGC (Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming and Comic) as this will help the industry build the much needed capacity both for domestic as well as global markets.

She also noted that there have been no changes in income-tax slabs for people, which many consumer segments were worried about. “This, in turn, boosts consumer sentiment. From e-passports, to battery swapping for electric vehicles, setting up of optic fibre in the remotest of villages, setting up of a digital university and skilling through an e-portal, the big push is for technology, digital infrastructure and empowerment,” Acharya added.

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