The Social Shake-Up in 2019: Pankaj Rahul Singh

Pankaj Rahul Singh, Director  & Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder at TSD Corp - A marketing specialist with 10+ years of experience in the field of Digital & Social Media, Sports Management, Media & Marketing, and Mr. Singh has been an expert in driving Corporate Strategies, Business Development & Marketing. He also oversees all domestic and international operations focusing on the development and execution of a world-class, customer-driven organization. He has previously worked with ICFDS, Brazilian Soccer Schools & FTV. This True Sports Lover is a master in monetization of sports properties, international events and has successfully handled many big sporting campaigns in his career.

Were you just watching a viral video on social media and immediately liked, shared, commented or retweeted it?

The play button is the most compelling ‘call-to-action’ on the internet.

Communication today has become more personal. We use video chats personally and also incorporate video updates in our social media business marketing strategies. Figures show that video accounts are almost 75% of data consumption presently and this makes it obvious that video content is the demand of the present. Videos increase engagement in the form of likes, comments and shares on all social media platforms.

Take a look at some video stats:

         Social video generates 1200 per cent more shares than text and images combined

         According to YouTube, the video content site has over a billion users, which is almost one-third of all Internet users

         On Twitter, a video Tweet is 6x more likely to be retweeted than a photo Tweet

         Around 500 million people watch videos on Facebook every day

         Mentioning the word 'video' in your email subject line increases open rates by 19%

         Video on landing pages can increase conversions by up to 80%

         52% of consumers say that watching product videos makes them more confident in online purchase decisions

With numbers like these already, traffic on video content search is expected to explode to almost 85% of internet search traffic in the country by 2019.

Now, let’s get to it!

Video Going One-to-One and Search-Friendly

Connecting with people and involving your target audience is the key to communication rewards. Marketers are nurturing the value of customer communications by moving towards personalized video messages as a substitute for calling or sending emails; given the ease of shooting videos with their smartphones. To follow-up on any kind of inquiry, offering relevant content, and delivering customer support or to simply appreciate the customer, the idea of using a one-to-one video approach can apply to practically any application. On the other hand, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the usage of different and relevant closed captions are encouraging video content to be more searchable. AI can transcribe audio tracks of various videos with the factor of voice recognition to make video search-friendly. Technology giant Google also recently declared the inclusion of video previews to the video options that appears through search results.

Increasing Video Advertisement Spend

The reason why these major social networks are optimizing themselves to make suggestions around more video content is mostly that majority of search traffic will be driven through video content with high marketing spend on digital for future projects. A report jointly published by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and Kantar IMRB indicated that the digital advertising spend is assessed to develop at 32% CAGR to reach Rs 19,000 crore by 2020 owing to the backing of improved customer trust in online ads and video ads.

Share Worthy Video Content for the Millennial and Go Viral

Marketers need to grab consumers attention as soon as the video begins and assure consumers why their brand is worthy of their patronage. Tasty’s Facebook handle makes for an excellent example to understand the nature of video content millennials. The page is devoted to one-minute short video of various recipes. The success of Tasty lies in their ability to shrink data into short attractive content that is short enough to keep them motivated to watch more and long enough to retain the attention of the user.  If one notices closely, Tasty’s fan growth rate is enormously accumulating almost 4 million new audiences every month. Such a rapid growth rate is entirely dependent on what they create i.e., crisp and easily shareable video content. The probability of every engagement on the video, being viewed by the individual’s network or connections creates a chance of garnering new viewers for the platform. 


The number of consumers watching video content will continue to upsurge. Ideal to the nature of growth and engagement in sharing worthy video content, brands should expect their audience to look for more video content. Encouraging various forms of video content experimentation to understand audience reaction to different forms will highlight the right way to go about producing relevant content. Marketers will also opt for video ads instead of traditional static ads to generate more engagement with higher lead conversion rates. Hence, videos on social media platforms play the role of that knight in shining armour. 

We’re living the era of videos. So, don’t get left behind. Get into it. 

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not reflect the views of the publisher.

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