The Sound Of Silence Airing This Sunday As An Indian Television Premiere On &flix

If you listen closely enough, even silence sounds like something. ‘Sound Of Silence,’ an indie movie that is silent for most part of the film, resonates brilliantly with the cinematographic stills by genius director, Michael Tyburski. With another fine selection as part of the ongoing Indian Television Premiere, The Sound Of Silence, an unconventional movie about unique sounds will air this Sunday, September 20, 2020 at 1PM and 9PM on &flix, 3PM and 11PM on &PrivéHD and at 2PM on Zee Café. With compelling performances from both Peter Sarsgaard (An Education, Shattered Glass) and Rashida Jones (The Office, Parks And Recreation), there is enough merit to view this movie for its fascinating tones and narrative.

Directed by Michael Tyburski, the film follows Peter Lucian (Peter Sarsgaard) who's made a name for himself as an experienced and unique artisan in the field of sound. His keen understanding of the subject helps him untangle bad vibes in the environment by carefully calibrating the level of sound to create the perfect pitch and balance. In addition to working for paying clients. Peter has been researching for decades to arrive at a breakthrough in the field of sound with hopes of being published in a scientific journal. When a new client Ellen (Rashida Jones) hires Peter to fine tune her apartment, he concludes that buying a new toaster would solve her anxiety and sleep deprived issues. The drama which is split between an oddball character convinced of his strange duties and that of an apprehensive customer leaves you wishing that you should probably hire a house tuner of your own to resolve your own issues.

Catch the Indian Television Premiere of an exceptional silent tale with ‘The Sound Of Silence’ airing this Sunday, September 20 at 1PM and 9PM on &flix, 3PM and 11PM on &PrivéHD and at 2PM on Zee Café.

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