This World Laughter Day, Zee Café brings ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’

Charlie Chaplin rightfully said, “A day without laughter is a day wasted.” A good laugh is like therapy for the soul. It brightens your dull days and turns your frown upside down. Celebrating the joy of exploding with laughter, Zee Cafe has the perfect binge to chuckle you up this World Laughter Day on May 5, 2019 from 4PM – 7PM.

Bringing your favourite family sitcom from the 90s --‘Everyday Loves Raymond Season 06’, Zee Café is set to infuse your Sunday with truckloads of giggles. A rib-tickling comedy that revolves around the life of Raymond Barone; the sixth instalment unfolds the classic and amusing interplay among his dysfunctional family. Be it his pestering parents Marie and Frank, his jealous older brother Robert or his bickering wife Debra; the sixth season promises the right dose on humour and entertainment with comedy that is pure gold!

This World Laughter Day, don’t miss out on the bicker and banter as Ray’s parents infiltrate their son’s home in the LOL-worthy binge of the comic series ‘Everybody Loves Raymond Season 6’ only on Zee Café!

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