Travel is about self-renewal: BBDO's Josy Paul

A graduate from St Xavier's College with a degree in Atomic Physics, Josy Paul, is a name that is synonymous with creativity and advertising. A little known fact about him is that he is a passionate globe- trotter too. A strong believer of the fact that ‘we are all born to be creative’ his creative cells not only helped him to make the extra buck but also gave him an opportunity to build and make his presence felt in the field of advertising and creativity.

Paul stresses strongly on the need for observation of simple things around us through which life can be perceived. What we see around us, the people who we talk to, what we feel etc. can help establish a connection with the society at large. In his view travel is all about broadening one’s heart and mind and yes, to be creative one has to be stress free and fresh to tap into one’s resources of unique ideas!

Also an ardent football fan he keeps himself busy with extra-curricular activities in his spare time.

For their latest edition of Fox Traveller Diaries, Adgully caught up with Josy Paul, Chairman and National Creative Director, BBDO India to understand how creativity synchronizes with travel.

Fox Travellers Diary (FTD: If there is one place you can keep going back to for a holiday, where would it be?

Josy Paul (JP): I would go back to Bandra. It is where I reside, the place that I love. I yearn for more time in Bandra. Sometimes a best holiday is not about traveling to faraway places but just being home.

FTD: Tell us three good things about traveling.

JP: Travel doesn't just broaden the mind, it also broadens the heart. It helps us understand what connects us all. And because it's a new interface – between you and places and people – it can be quite cathartic! It helps self-renewal.

FTD: When you travel, what is a must carry for you?

JP: The must carry for me is an open mind. Travel without prejudice.

FTD: When and where did your best holiday happen?

JP: When I back-packed across Europe on my own after my first job. I got a no-holds-barred view of the world! It was most memorable.

FTD:  As a traveller, what is your tip for others?

JP: Embrace the world with open arms. Don't over plan, give room for new worlds to enter. Go with the flow.

FTD: A colleague/co-worker from your industry with whom you would like to go on a holiday.

JP: Ajai Jhala, my business partner and the co-founder of BBDO India

FTD: Have you ever been surprised by the taste of food, outside India? Where?

JP: Not really, I've never been surprised because I really don't know what to expect. I leave the options open.

FTD: What and where has been your best bazaar bargain so far?

JP: The US continues to top my list for best bargains. You get great deals on everyday stuff and more.

FTD: Which is the most unique destination that you have ever visited? When and why?

JP: I was very moved by my Vietnam trip in 2002. I re-lived the tales of the war of the 70s. I visited the Cu Chi Tunnels and it had a profound effect on me.

FTD: A gourmet gaffe that you would like to share.

JP: Not sure if this is a gourmet gaffe. But I was walking by a lake in the US. I saw a slot machine with some food. I dropped a few coins and took a handful of round candy-looking stuff and popped it in my mouth. I immediately spat it out in disgust.
I realized it was duck food. It was meant to feed the ducks in the lake. People around me were laughing!

FTD: What has been your worst travel moment? Why?

JP: I got robbed at gun point in London. It was a shady neighborhood and I should never have walked around there. I lost most of my money.
But then I took to travel photography and earned some money back. There is always a good side to bad events.

FTD: What is the best souvenir you ever bought for anyone?

JP: In 1990, just after the Berlin Wall came down I rushed there to touch history, and  brought back part of the broken Berlin wall for my friends and family. That's the most significant souvenir I have ever picked up.

Disclaimer: The views expressed are purely in the personal capacity of Josy Paul as a travel buff and has no bearing and/or correlation with his official role; Images, courtesy: Josy Paul 

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